SJA's 2024 Kenya mission team adopted the St. John Malaene Primary School. The team donated funds for a new water well and upgraded flooring and classrooms. The team also hosted a health clinic at the school with employees from Maua Methodist Hospital, and provided funds for more than 20 people to receive national health insurance so they could undergo surgeries and receive life-saving medical treatments. Earlier in the week, the team built a house for a family affected by HIV/AIDS and did other work around the hospital.
SJA sent a team of 13 to learn about the United Methodist Church in Latvia. They spent a week at Matras UMC helping with renovation work. Afterwards, they toured the 12 other UMC ministries in this Baltic country and visited for Soviet prisons and Jewish holy sites from WWII. Latvia is a beautiful country known for its traditional music and dance. The hospitality is exceptional and we hope to continue building our relationships with the Latvian people.
Holy Land
Two weeks before war broke out in Israel, SJA's Holy Land team returned home from a spiritually moving pilgrimage. The team took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, visited the site where Jesus taught the Beatitudes, walked the Via Dolorosa, and celebrated Holy Communion in the garden where Jesus' tomb may have been located. Along the road to Jerusalem, the pilgrims stopped at the Jordan River, where they remembered their baptism in an informal ceremony that words can't describe. Later, they also floated on the Dead Sea, and two of the travelers went on to see the holy sites of Egypt.
Cleaning Buckets and Health Kits may be collected as needed for disaster relief and distributed through UMCOR to the area in need.
CLICK HERE for a list of items that will go in the bucket.
You will find additional information on the web page that may be useful.
Financial donations are always useful and welcome (please write "UMCOR" in the memo line of your check to SJA).
CLICK HERE to visit UMCOR's website.
Covenant Relationship Program
Annual donations are made to United Methodist Missionaries Miguel Mairena and Nan McCurdy via The Advance Program GYTTE (Give Ye Them to Eat),
CLICK HERE for GBGM, The Advance
CLICK HERE for the CTC Missionary Support webpage.
Carlos and Emily Romero
We also support Carlos and Emily Romero of HFN (Heart for the Nations) serving in Guatemala.
CLICK HERE to read about Heart for the Nations & Carlos and Emily Romero.