Sunday, April 2, 2023
9:00AM Traditional Worship
11:11AM Contemporary Worship
Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' entry into the city of Jerusalem after his ministry in the countryside. The people of Jerusalem had heard all about his teachings and miracles and were excited to have him in their city. As he processed into town, people grabbed palms and waved them in welcome and honor.
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and is a celebration of the resurrection to come. Join us for worship where we wave palms to signify the awe and wonder of Jesus.
Christ in the Passover: A Seder
Thursday, April 6th at 6:30, SJA will host “Christ in the Passover: A Seder.” This powerful dinner event, led by Alexander Adelson of Jews for Jesus, will help us discover the link between the Jewish feast of Passover and the last supper Jesus shared with His disciples.
Join us for an exploration of the beautiful symbolism of the Jewish ceremonial meal called a seder. We’ll weave the story of the exodus and freedom from slavery together with the messianic hope realized in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The words “do this in remembrance of me” will take on an even deeper meaning to Christians as we learn the significance of and fully participate in the tradition Jesus observed the night before He died and give us a closer look at the very Jewish life He led.
Friday, April 7th, 2023
7pm in the Sanctuary
Come experience a Good Friday service with reflective music and a dramatic presentation.
Get ready for Easter fun!
Saturday, April 8, 9 AM to 12 PM
For children 4-years-old through 4th grade!
There will be games, storytelling, music and egg hunt!
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Last year, we hosted sunrise service and were joined by our friends at St. Barnabas. This year, they are hosting us at their church. Our very own Brendan Voss is giving the message. After the service, St. Barnabas is providing a delicious breakfast.
Directions to St. Barnabas UMC
This year, we have an extra large choir and a song from the handbell choir!
Contemporary worship with a special visit from the handbell choir!